GLIMS Workshop 2003, Nice, France: Agenda


8:00 - 08:30AM  Registration and payment (USD or EURO cash only! we will
provide a receipt)

08:30 Welcome, Introduction, and update of satellite data stats
       (R. Wessels-USGS, Flagstaff)

08:40 - 10:15 GLIMS Data Handling: (lead - B. Raup-NSIDC)
- data transfer format and how to put data into it using non-glimsview

- discuss current datasets & likelihood of transfer to NSIDC GLIMS db

10:15 - 10:35 Break

10:35 - 12:30 GLIMS Analysis - Part I:

- hands-on tutorial of glimsview  (R. Wessels assisted by B. Raup)

- concurrent discussion of GLIMS database attributes as listed in
  glimsview (B.

12:30 - 13:35 Lunch

13:35 - 15:45 GLIMS Analysis - Part II:

- image classification methods (multispectral, use of topography) Lead by
Kaeaeb (U. Zurich) w/ R. Wessels and other participant contributions

15:45 - 16:05 Break

16:05 -
- discussion of status of the various tutorials (lead - Bruce Raup)

- open discussion (R. Wessels)

- continue glimsview tutorial - time permitting (R.Wessels and B. Raup)

18:00 Adjourn