GLIMS Workshop 2004, San Francisco, California, USA: Agenda
GLIMS Mini-Workshop
Marriott, Sierra I on Sunday, December 12 from 1:00 pm until 5:30 pm.
1:00-1:10 Introduction and Consortium Status Update: 10 minutes (Jeff
1:10-1:30 NSIDC Update: 20 minutes (Bruce Raup and Richard Armstrong)
Database and map server
Results of round-robin test analysis
Other NSIDC activities and progress
1:30-1:50 EDC Update (John Dwyer): 20 minutes
1:50-2:10 USGS demo of GLIMSView: 20 minutes (Deborah Soltesz)
2:10-3:00 Regional Center presentations and other focussed discussion
topics, to be identified, 50 minutes.
Etienne Berthier (Alps/Iceland studies), 10 min.
Fiona Cawkwell: Comparison of two Arctic ice caps: Manson and Agassiz
(10 min.)
Luke Copland, NZ-Feb06 GLIMS meeting, 5 min.
Gordon Hamilton: Texture mapping and feature detection (10 min.)
Leigh Stearns: Feature tracking and DEM production in tough terrain (10
3:00-3:20 Break and Informal discussions: 20 minutes
3:20-4:20 More RC presentations and other focussed discussion topics, to be
identified, 60 minutes.
Jeff Kargel: Glacier lake mapping (10 min.)
John Dwyer: EDC activities (20 min.)
J Kargel: GLIMS publications (15 min.)
Other Focused Topical Discussions (15 min.)
4:20-5:00 or 5:30 : GLIMS community discussion/open forum of Urgent
Needs/Problems/Solutions: 40-70 minutes (Bruce Raup)
GLIMS happy hour and dinner at pub or restaurant TBD: Following GLIMS
meeting breakup.