GLIMSView Source Code Documentation

L7A_Fast Member List

This is the complete list of members for L7A_Fast, including all inherited members.

createProj(int iband)ImageFormat [protected]
DataType enum nameImageFormat
dtypeSize(DataType dt)ImageFormat [static]
dtypeToString(DataType dt)ImageFormat [static]
FLOAT16 enum valueImageFormat
FLOAT32 enum valueImageFormat
FLOAT64 enum valueImageFormat
getBand(int iband, int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, int w2, int h2, ScaleType st=SCALE_NN) const L7A_Fast [virtual]
getBandInf(int iband)ImageFormat
getFrmt(int &iband) const L7A_Fast [protected]
getImageInf()ImageFormat [inline]
getLL(int iband, double &i, double &j)L7A_Fast [virtual]
getName() const ImageFormat
getNumBands()ImageFormat [inline]
getULCorners()ImageFormat [protected]
getXY(int iband, double &i, double &j)L7A_Fast [virtual]
INT16 enum valueImageFormat
INT32 enum valueImageFormat
INT64 enum valueImageFormat
INT8 enum valueImageFormat
isFloat(DataType dt)ImageFormat [static]
llToMeter(int iband, double &lon, double &lat)ImageFormat [protected]
llToXY(int iband, double &lon, double &lat)ImageFormat [protected]
mBandSetImageFormat [protected]
meterToLL(int iband, double &x, double &y)ImageFormat [protected]
mFNameImageFormat [protected]
mFormatSetL7A_Fast [protected]
mImageInfImageFormat [protected]
NOT_DEFINED enum valueImageFormat
open(std::string fname)L7A_Fast [virtual]
SCALE_BC enum valueImageFormat
SCALE_BI enum valueImageFormat
SCALE_NN enum valueImageFormat
scaleData(char **orig, int ow, int oh, int nw, int nh, DataType dt, ScaleType st, bool del=true) const ImageFormat
scaleData(char **orig, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh, int fw, int fh, int nw, int nh, DataType dt, ScaleType st, bool del=true) const ImageFormat
scaleDT(DType *orig, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh, int fw, int fh, int nw, int nh, ScaleType st) const ImageFormat [inline]
ScaleType enum nameImageFormat
scl_bicubic(unsigned char *orig, int ow, int oh, int nw, int nh, int szd) const ImageFormat
scl_bilinear(DType *orig, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh, int fw, int fh, int nw, int nh) const ImageFormat [inline]
scl_nearestneighbor(DType *orig, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh, int fw, int fh, int nw, int nh) const ImageFormat [inline]
setCornerPnts(int iband, ImageInf &inf)ImageFormat
UINT16 enum valueImageFormat
UINT32 enum valueImageFormat
UINT64 enum valueImageFormat
UINT8 enum valueImageFormat
xyToLL(int iband, double &x, double &y)ImageFormat [protected]
xyToMeter(int iband, double &x, double &y)ImageFormat [protected]
~ImageFormat()ImageFormat [virtual]

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